On the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the FBI released some information long sought by survivors concerning Saudi Arabia’s involvement in those murderous jihadist acts. Unredacted revelations suggest a Saudi consular official and a suspected spy helped two of the hijackers.

Reveal the Saudi and Iranian roles in 9/11

On the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the FBI released some information long sought by survivors concerning Saudi Arabia’s involvement in those murderous jihadist acts. Unredacted revelations suggest a Saudi consular official and a suspected spy helped two of the hijackers.

At a moment when we both honor those killed two decades ago and have cause to worry increasingly about terrorist attacks in the offing elsewhere and here, insights into their Sharia-supremacist wellspring and enablers are vitally needed.

That includes U.S. government data about the help the Iranian government gave to 9/11 plotters. Five years ago, a federal judge issued an $11 billion judgment against the regime in Tehran for its role. Before the Biden administration does any further deals with Iran, we need a full accounting of the mullahs’ complicity and the payments to which still-grieving survivors are entitled.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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