Reward, Don’t Undermine Guatemala’s Pro-Free World Government

The Central American nation of Guatemala became the first in the world to announce Sunday it will follow Donald Trump’s lead by relocating its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

In contrast with most UN members, the Guatemalan government has surely earned a place of favor with President Trump.  Perhaps his administration will now end the efforts of another U.S. embassy – the one in Guatemala – to engineer the overthrow of President Jimmy Morales and his duly elected administration.

Starting under the Obama presidency and for most of Mr. Trump’s first year in office, a career Foreign Service Officer named Todd Robinson  has helped fellow leftists in Guatemala manufacture corruption charges designed to replace the pro-U.S. Morales government with one hostile to us. This must end at once.  So should Amb. Robinson’s pending appointment to run an-even-more-sensitive diplomatic post – our embassy in Venezuela.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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