Robert O’Brien and the “Brunson Treatment”

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President Trump’s new National Security Advisor is  Robert O’Brien, a man who interestingly previously worked at the United Nations for his predecessor, John Bolton.

Most recently, Mr. O’Brien has been the Trump administration’s hostage negotiator. In that role, he helped the President force the government of Turkey to free Christian missionary Andrew Brunson from prison by holding it accountable and imposing costs for his persecution.

Such experiences equip Robert O’Brien brilliantly for an early initiative in his new role. He should encourage President Trump to use his upcoming address before the UN General Assembly to serve notice on the many persecutors of Christians in that audience that they, too, will be held accountable and face real penalties for their crimes against humanity.

Call it “The Brunson Treatment” and bring it to bear now on behalf of the world’s 327 million persecuted Christians.

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