This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

For years now, U.S. officials have been wringing their hands over evidence the Russians are violating their arms control obligations under a Cold War-era accord.  The Obama administration finally acknowledged that the Kremlin was cheating on the so-called INF Treaty, but did nothing about it.

Now, Russia’s top general has confirmed that Moscow has operational cruise missiles capable of precisely attacking targets 4,000 kilometers away.  That would mean that Vladimir Putin’s regime has effectively nullified the ban on such intermediate-range missiles – and reestablished a prohibited ability to threaten our forces and allies in Europe and Asia.

The Trump administration is nearing the completion date for its Nuclear Posture Review.  It must redress myriad, serious problems with our deterrent arsenal and its delivery systems – including setting in train the process of reconstituting and deploying our own INF forces over there.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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