Russia Rescues Genocidal Regime
The publication African Armed Forces reported today that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met last week with top officials in Sudan including President Omar Al-Bashir. The purpose of the meeting was to declare intentions to build on the military to military relationship between the two countries. This is not only despite Khartoum’s unapologetic practice of using military hardware against Sudanese and South Sudanese civilians it is rather because of Sudan’s weakened state after so many years of sanctions brought on by their systematic military approach to exterminating civilians.
The Russians also have economic rehabilitation in mind for Khartoum. The piece reported that oil exploration permits where on the table as well. This could mean exploration and drilling permits for Russian companies of which Khartoum would get a cut. With Russia injecting new life into the Sudan economy and China as a competing and likely more influential broker in the conflict with the South, U.S. leverage is being directly countered and dissipating at an alarming rate.
- Genocide in Sudan Continues as U.S. Eases Sanctions on War Criminals - June 2, 2016
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