Sabotage: Once war begins, ‘peace’ groups to disrupt government, block military bases

‘Anti-war’ groups plan to cross the line between exercising Constitutional free speech rights and committing sabotage in time of war.

Activists across the United States say they will shut down key financial centers, energy facilities, government offices and military bases once the fighting begins in Iraq.

Some are training to break into Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and destroy military equipment.

The Air Force has the right attitude: base security has been authorized to repel saboteurs with ‘deadly force.’

‘This is not fun and games anymore,’ said a base spokesperson. ‘We’re living in post 9/11. We don’t know what’s going to happen with the war effort in Iraq. These folks have got to realize their actions. … They’re illegal intruders.”

Security experts are concerned that terrorists might use the activists as cover.

The main groups behind the protests are Not In Our Name, led by a leader of the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP); United for Peace and Justice, led by former leaders of the defunct Communist Party USA (CPUSA); and International ANSWER, a front of the pro-North Korean Workers World Party.

For more information on the protest groups, click on the “‘Peace’ Movement” link in the upper left of this page, or click here.

Center for Security Policy

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