Sabotaged Shariah Awareness conference finds new home

The Sharia Awareness Action Network (SAAN) had long planned to hold "The Constitution or Sharia: A Freedom Conference" at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, TN on November 11, 2011. 

Abruptly on October 25 a representative on the mother company of Hutton notifed SAAN that

Murray disclosed: “In an October 25 letter to Lou Ann Zelenick of The Tennessee Freedom Coalition, Stephen W. Eckley of Amerimar Enterprises, which owns the Hutton, wrote: ‘If you had made us aware at the outset what the content of the meeting was and that at least two of your speakers have a history of engaging people to the point that violence has been imminent, we would not have accepted the booking.’”

Murray continued: “Either Mr. Eckley is woefully ignorant of the facts, or he is lying.”When Zelenick booked the hotel on August 29, she told Curtis Hinton, Director of Events at the Hutton, that the official title of the conference was “The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference,” and that it would consider the incompatibility of Islamic law with the U.S. Constitution.

“The hotel was also aware that the subject was controversial, only in that militants have decided that Islam may only be discussed positively — never critically. For that reason, the Hutton made us purchase an extra-liability insurance policy, at added expense,” Murray explained.

Thankfully a new venue has been found despite Hutton pulling out the rug at the last minute:

Conference has moved … The Hutton Hotel refuses to honor its contract because they want to be "sensitive" to Islamists and Jihadists who have threatened their property. A new conference the same day at a greatly reduced price of just $20.00 will be held at the Cornerstone Church. Refunds for the original conference are being processed. For more information and to re-register go to


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