Satellite photos show Saddams base to train al-Qaeda terrorists

Rush Limbaugh released high-resolution satellite imagery today, on his website, of Iraqs Salman Park terrorist training center.

This facility, which photographs show houses a full-scale jet fuselage, is used to train terrorists how to hijack civilian airliners, buses and trains, as well as assassination and kidnapping. Reports by defectors, including Sabah Khodada, who served as an administrator at the facility for six months, indicate that this camp is specialized in exporting terrorism to the whole world.

Not only did Iraq provide the training necessary to take control of airliners during flight, but some terrorists were taken and trained to drive airplanes at the School of Aviation, north of Baghdad.

Khodada concludes that Iraq had a hand in training some of the September 11 hijackers, arguing that these kind of attacks must be, and have to be, organized by a capable state, such as Iraq.

Center for Security Policy

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