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With Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

PETER PRY, Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security:

Segment One:

  • Details of the EMP threat: what it is, where it could come from, and why recovering from a widespread blackout would be devastatingly slow

Segment Two:

  • Lessons learned from a highly organized and well-equipped assault on a California electric transformer last year
  • How cyber hacking can cause the physical destruction of power grid components
  • Natural occurring threats to the grid

Segment Three

  • Looking at the societal and infrastructural breakdown after Hurricane Katrina as a microcosm of what would happen if the grid went down long-term

Segment Four

  • North Korea’s EMP dry-run over the DC-NYC air corridor
  • US Military’s success in protecting its grid infrastructure
  • Problems with Congress and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation holding up efforts to protect America’s grid
  • Success stories in enacting legislative change
Secure Freedom Radio

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