Securing America – A “failure” of American foreign policy


With Cheryl Chumley and Bradley Thayer

CHERYL CHUMLEY, Author, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall,” Opinion Editor, The Washington Times, Twitter: @ckchumley

  • Is China’s cultural Marxism spreading to the United States?
  • The Biden administration “bending over” when it comes to China
  • Why is TikTok a security threat?
  • Christians being persecuted all around the world
  • A “subtle” attack on faith in Congress

BRADLEY THAYER, Director of China Policy, Center for Security Policy, Author, How China Sees the World 

  • Is the CCP under strain from the “white paper” protests?
  • The significance of Jiang Zemin’s death
  • What has the Biden administration done with respect to the Chinese Covid protests?

Securing America TV

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