Securing America – China continues to target Taiwan

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With Grant Newsham and Elaine Donnelly

GRANT NEWSHAM, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Senior Research Fellow, Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, Contributor, Asia Times, @NewshamGrant:

  • The United States’ “half hazard” response to the initial Chinese spy balloon
  • How does China view the United States’ handling of these balloons?
  • Why is Taiwan a big target for China?
  • Would the U.S. and Japan have to join forces if a conflict with China occurred?

ELAINE DONNELLY, Founder and President, Center for Military Readiness

  • Recent major changes within the U.S. military under the Biden administration
  • Transgender policies in the U.S. armed forces
  • Issues of sexual abuse in the military – and how it is being suppressed

Securing America TV

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