Securing America – Dr. Harold Rhode on Biden’s Middle East policy

Middle East viewed from space with atmosphere and clouds. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
With Gordon Chang, Prime Minister Salih Hudayar and Dr. Harold Rhode
GORDON CHANG, Contributor, Gatestone Institute, Newsweek, Author, “The Coming Collapse of China,” “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes the World, “Losing South Korea,” and “The Great US-China Tech War,” @Gordongchang:
- Biden Administration keeps depleting the federal oil reserve
- What is CCP President XI going to do with Hong Kong?
PRIME MINISTER SALIH HUDAYAR, Founder, East Turkistan Awakening, Prime Minister, East Turkistan Government-in-Exile, @SalihHuayar:
- Biden’s inaction concerning the genocide of Uyghurs in China
- US companies importing solar panels made by Uyghur forced laborers
DR. HAROLD RHODE, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, Former Turkish Desk Officer at the US Department of Defense, Author of Modern Islamic Warfare: An Ancient Doctrine Marches On (2017):
- What are Iran’s current nuclear capabilities?
- The future of Biden’s Middle East policy
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