Securing America – Iran’s influence throughout Latin America


With Bradley Thayer, Suzanne Scholte and Amb. Yoram Ettinger

DR. BRADLEY THAYER, Director of CSP’s China Policy program:

  • Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te’s upcoming visit to the U.S.
  • Progress China has made to be able to invade Taiwan
  • Can U.S. financial assistance alone deter a Chinese attack of Taiwan?
  • The need for the Biden administration to stand with the Philippines

SUZANNE SCHOLTE, President, Defense Forum Foundation, Chairwoman, North Korea Freedom Coalition:

  • Types of crimes the North Korean regime is involved in
  • Is North Korea “on the brink” of another mass famine?
  • What is the ultimate goal for Kim Jong Un?
  • North Korea’s misuse of resources and focus on their nuclear program

YORAM ETTINGER, Former Minister for Congressional Affairs at Israel’s Embassy in DC, Consultant to Israeli and US legislators

  • The influence of Iran throughout Latin America
  • Analyzing the relationship between Iranian leadership and Hezbollah
  • Reports of a possible agreement between the U.S. and Iran

Securing America TV

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