Securing America – Is China’s Social Credit System coming to the US?

With Xi Van Fleet, Reggie Littlejohn and Capt. James Fanell
Xi Van Fleet, “Chinese by birth; American by choice,” Survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution
- Xi Van Fleet’s personal experience during the “Cultural Revolution” in China
- “Fake history” being taught to millions of Chinese children
REGGIE LITTLEJOHN, President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, @reggielittlejhn
- How does China’s Social Credit System work?
- Is there a possibility of this system coming to the United States?
- Various issues with this kind of tracking system being connected to the World Health Organization
CAPT. JAMES FANELL, Retired Intelligence Officer for the Indo-Pacific, US Navy, former National Security Affairs Fellow, Hoover Institute
- Why is America not aware of the military threat from China?
- China’s plan to increase their naval spending
- Continued Chinese military aggression targeting Taiwan, India and Japan
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