Securing America – Secure our electric grid now


With Col. John Mills, Trevor Loudon & David Tice

Col. John Mills, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Member, Committee on the Present Danger: China:

  • . U.S. officials confirm the COVID virus came from a Chinese biowarfare lab, kind of

Trevor Loudon, Creator/Author, The Enemies Within (Documentary and Book) and Enemies Within the Church @TrevorLoudon1:

  • . The truth about Rep. Judy Chu’s long-standing ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the danger of having no security clearance review for members of Congress

David Tice, Producer, Founder of David W. Tice & Associates, LLC, an investment management and research firm:

  • The imperative need to secure our electric grid and the new movie-to-movement, Grid Down, Power Up, that will help Americans ensure it gets done

Securing America TV

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