Securing America – The WHO’s control over American life

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With Chuck Devore, Elaine Donnelly and George Rasley

CHUCK DEVORE, Vice President of Public Policy, Texas Public Policy Foundation, Senior Contributor, The Federalist, Intelligence Officer, U.S. Army (Ret.), @ChuckDeVore

  • An update on the Russia-Ukraine war
  • What is the United States’ strategic interest in this conflict?

ELAINE DONNELLY, Founder and President, Center for Military Readiness

  • Assessing the readiness of the U.S. military
  • Tom Cotton’s recent questioning of Christine Wormuth
  • Declining combat standards for the U.S. military

GEORGE RASLEY, Editor, Conservative HQ, former White House Staff Member, Vice President Dan Quayle, former Assistant Director, National Park Service, former Director of Policy and Communication, Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12)

  • Chinese companies in the Thrift Savings Plan
  • Various aspects of American life the WHO has control over

Securing America TV

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