Securing America – What are the phases to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?


With Capt. James Fanell and Col. John Mills

CAPT. JAMES FANELL, Retired Intelligence Officer for the Indo-Pacific, US Navy, former National Security Affairs Fellow, Hoover Institute

  • A recent leak of classified U.S. military documents
  • Why have previous leakers not been held accountable in the U.S.?
  • A “breakdown of institutions” happening across American society
  • What are the potential phases to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • The urgent need for the U.S. to prepare itself to help defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion

COL. (RET.) JOHN MILLS, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Member, Committee on the Present Danger: China

  • What is the United States’ strategic interest in defending Taiwan?
  • Differentiating between U.S. support of Ukraine and Taiwan
  • Analyzing the possible ways China could attack Taiwan

Securing America TV

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