Securing America – What is the most “strategic” Latin American country for China?

With Joseph Humire, Troy Miller and Dr. Bradley Thayer

JOSEPH HUMIRE, Executive Director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, Former Director of Institute Relations at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Author of Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America: 

  • How Latin America’s political landscape has changed recently
  • What is the North-South paradigm?
  • What is the most “strategic” Latin American country for China?

TROY MILLER, President and CEO, NRB

  • Who is pressuring the Biden administration to “sever” support for Israel?
  • How the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) is being used in the U.S.

DR. BRADLEY THAYER, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy

  • What is the relationship between Iran and China?
  • Does the Biden administration view China as a threat to the U.S.?

Securing America TV

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