Securing America – Will the US rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal?

With George Rasley and Robert Spencer

GEORGE RASLEY, Editor, Conservative HQ, former White House Staff Member, Vice President Dan Quayle, former Assistant Director, National Park Service, former Director of Policy and Communication, Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12)

  • Rasley’s impressions of President Biden’s State of the Union Address
  • Could more information have been recovered from the Chinese spy balloon if it were shot down over land?
  • What was China’s main goal of sending the balloon over the U.S.?

ROBERT SPENCER, Director, Jihad Watch, Senior Fellow, Center for Security Policy, Weekly columnist, PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, Author, “Mass Migration in Europe: A Model for the U.S.?,” and “Islamophobia and the Threat to Free Speech,” @jihadwatchRS

  • What is the status of judicial reform in Israel?
  • Should the U.S. be interfering with this process?
  • Why does the Biden administration want to restore the Iran Nuclear Deal?

Securing America TV

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