Selling the U.S. Out: Snowden Sticks to His Ideology that Information Should Be Free To All No Matter the Security Costs

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With Shaun Waterman, Gordon Chang, Dean Cheng, Tulin Daloglu

SHAUN WATERMAN, of the Washington Times, talks about NSA data collection and its legality. He also looks at Edward Snowden’s escape to Hong Kong as well as talks about the former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and his choice to leak government documents.

GORDON CHANG of, shows what can be learned about the recent US-China summit in California based on what was and was not said regarding it. Namely, that the South China Sea and cyberwarfare were not topics of conversation.

DEAN CHENG, of the Heritage Foundation, discusses the recent “shirtsleeves” US-China summit and looks at the Chinese assertion over the South China Sea, Chinese hacking, and the Chinese government’s relationship with its military.

TULIN DALOGLU, of Turkish, joins Frank for a candid discussion on events that have unfolded in Turkey and what direction these protests are moving the country in.

Secure Freedom Radio

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