It seems Congress has caucuses for every imaginable cause. Now, the Senate has an informal Jihad Caucus led by its second-ranking Democrat, Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois.

He’s the man who wants Guantanamo Bay closed and its jihadists transferred to a prison in his state. He appears happy to rubber-stamp President Obama’s deal with Iran, that will assure its jihadists get the Bomb.

Last week, Sen. Durbin led thirteen other Democratic senators in urging the President to bring 65,000 Syrian refugees to America. If past practice is any guide, these would be almost all Muslims, from camps run by jihadists and selected by the Islamist-dominated United Nations.

The FBI told Congress recently it couldn’t vet such refugees.

Let’s tell Sen. Durbin: No more jihadists.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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