Senator wants FBI to unturn stones for possible Iraqi link to Oklahoma City bombing

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While the US intelligence community takes a fresh look for evidence linking Saddam Hussein to more terrorist attacks against Americans, a senior senator is urging the government to probe possible Iraqi involvement in the April 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

Senator Arlen Specter (R., Penn.), a former district attorney who served on the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, wants authorities to follow impressive research conducted by Jayna Davis, a former reporter with Oklahoma City’s KFOR television station.

Since the bombing, Davis has been collecting and analyzing evidence (including some 80 pages of affidavits from more than twenty eyewitnesses and 2000 supporting documents) of precisely the sort that the CIA says does not exist.

Davis raises some startling facts and concerns – including the presence of Iraqi elite forces veterans in Oklahoma City whom witnesses have linked to convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh. The FBI reportedly has not examined Davis’ evidence. It should.

Center for Security Policy

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