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With Sen. Ted Cruz, Fred Fleitz, Danielle Pletka, Rep. Randy Weber

Sen. TED CRUZ (R-TX), 2016 Presidential Candidate:

  • Democratic Senators Cardin, Menendez, and Schumer’s opposition to the brokered nuclear agreement with Iran
  • White House efforts encouraging Senate democrats to filibuster a vote on a resolution of disapproval concerning the deal
  • Iranian EMP threat to take down the U.S. electric grid

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy, former CIA analyst:

  • Mullahs using their own equipment and inspectors for verification
  • Iranian threats to IAEA officials
  • The Iran legislation “turning the Constitution on its head” by not being submitted to Congress as a treaty
  • Revelation that no Tehran official has actually signed the nuclear accord?

DANIELLE PLETKA, Senior Vice President for Foreign and Defense Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute:

  • Comparison of the 1970’s Carter global setbacks to today’s partisan foreign policy debate on Iran
  • Inability of the Administration to implement any successful strategy or policy in the volatile Middle East
  • S. foreign policy being tested by China in the Bering Sea, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the Mullah’s goals of becoming nuclear

Rep. RANDY WEBER, (TX-14) Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:

  • The need for the Iranian regime to release all American hostages, dismantle all centrifuges, and recognize the right of Israel to exist
  • The high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) threat from Iran to the United States
  • Why cutting all federal funding to sanctuary cities is essential to stemming the flow of illegal immigration to the U.S.
Secure Freedom Radio

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