Show the Iranian People the Mullahs’ Stolen Money

The ongoing and proliferating anti-regime demonstrations in Iran reflect  the fact that many in that country, especially among its sizeable majority of young people, have had it with the mullahs.

They find particularly infuriating the fact that the so-called Supreme Leader and his cronies have become fabulously wealthy while millions of ordinary Iranians are facing severe privation.

Consequently, the Trump administration could help fan the flame of internal opposition to the mullahocracy by disseminating what it knows about the offshore bank accounts, investments, and money-laundering operations the Iranian ruling elites use to stash and enlarge their ill-gotten assets.

Incredibly, the Department of Justice is reportedly claiming that they can’t release this data.  If new statutory authority is needed, Congress should promptly provide it.  It’s time to name and shame those Iranians who threaten their own people and ours, alike.

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