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North Korea says it’s just detonated a hydrogen bomb. Others say it hasn’t.

Who’s right? Time will tell. But we can already make two judgments:

First, we should take no comfort from statements that the tremors created by the test seem too small to have been caused by an H-bomb. All of the North Koreans’ tests to date appear to have been low-yield.

That could be explained by their taking steps to conceal their weapons’ signatures. Or, that they have been optimized, not for explosive power, but for other effects – like generating immense, devastating electromagnetic pulses.

Second, whatever terrifying weapons North Korea has, its strategic partner Iran will have, too. That’s especially so if President Obama gives the mullahs $150 billion dollars in unfrozen assets with which to buy such destructive power.

Just another reason to stop the Obamabomb deal. Now.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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