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All the homeland security initiatives in the world won’t adequately protect the American public until Congress and the Bush administration address the crisis of illegal immigration.

The new Department of Homeland Security is expected to take control of, and enforce discipline over, the issuance of visas. But what about the millions who enter this country illegally, without visas?

Both Congress and the Bush Administration are trying to run away from the issue. Indeed, they are making the problem worse.

Courageous columnist Michelle Malkin describes the problem brilliantly in her new book, Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals and Other Foreign Menaces to our Shores.

It may be necessary to create a special or select committee to conduct urgently needed oversight hearings and to draft the requisite reform legislation – if lawmakers can summon the courage to be branded as insensitive to the needs of those who illegally are invading our country.

Center for Security Policy

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