Son of a Terror Victim Explains Why the Bergdahl-Taliban Trade is So Dangerous

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With Joseph F. Connor, Russ Ramsland, Bill Gertz, Fred Fleitz

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With Joseph F. Connor, Russ Ramsland, Bill Gertz, Fred Fleitz

Joseph F. Connor, co-author of “The New Founders,” looks at the motives behind the Obama administration’s release of five Taliban leaders in the context of the President’s stated ambition to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. He argues that the release of these top terrorists, and any terrorists released subsequently, creates a public safety situation for Americans within the US and abroad.

On today’s show:

JOSEPH F. CONNOR, co-author of “The New Founders”

  • Does the recent release of five top-level jihadists signal the imminent closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison?
  • The public security crisis associated with the release of 36,000 criminal illegal aliens from incarceration, including some former terrorists
  • Attorney General Eric Holder’s role in the release of FALN terrorists and, more recently, the five Taliban leaders

RUSS RAMSLAND, Texas Tea Party leader:

  • Details of the weak “Texas Solution” to immigration that was shot down at the recent Texas GOP Convention
  • Connection between the immigration debate and Erick Cantor’s loss
  • Public safety risk being posed by a surge of illegal aliens crossing the US’s southern border

BILL GERTZ, of the Washington Free Beacon and the Washington Times:

  • The Justice Department is in talks with representatives of Edward Snowden, who include a lawyer well-known for his history of success in winning spies plea deals
  • Implications of a confirmation that Russia is in material breach of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
  • A show of force incident on Monday in which Russian bombers flew within 50 miles of the US coast
  • Chinese officials are claiming that a visit to a U.S. Carrier has provided them with “valuable military insights”–despite a 1999 law forbidding Chinese officers from visiting certain US power projection capabilities

FRED FLEITZ, senior fellow with the Center for Security Policy:

  • Is Chuck Hagel being forced to take the fall for Obama and Susan Rice in the Bergdahl trade controversy?
  • Debating whether a plea deal is acceptable if Edward Snowden can guarantee that leaks of the stolen US documents stop
  • Points of fact on Iraq: ISIS is not “and Syria,” but “and the Sham,” which represents a “greater Syria.” ISIS is a terrorist army, manned by pre-US invasion Iraqi military members
Secure Freedom Radio

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