The UN was created to help solve global problems, not to establish a world government.

Since its founding in 1988, the Center for Security Policy has sought to ensure that American foreign and defense policies are guided by the time-tested philosophy of promoting peace through American strength. A fundamental precondition for the exercise of national power, of course, is the maintenance of U.S. control over the decision-making process in short, sovereignty.

In recent years, however, adversaries of American power have attempted to impose constraints on U.S. sovereignty in order to diminish American strength, arguing that legitimacy is only conferred by international regimes, organizations, and treaties. Sadly, many American policy-makers have succumbed to the idea that national decisions must pass a “global test.”

The Center’s Sovereignty Project seeks to revitalize the determination of American leaders to develop policies free from undue international influence and to prevent the establishment of global government.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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