Spy’s guilty plea shows how terrorist regime penetrated US military intelligence

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The guilty plea of former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst Ana Belen Montes shows how regimes that sponsor terrorism can penetrate the most sensitive US government institutions.

Montes admits to a 16-year spying career for the Fidel Castro regime in Cuba. Among other things, she compromised at least four US agents, spied on a US naval exercise, and planted disinformation in intelligence reports for the Pentagon – including language downplaying Cuba’s biological weapons program.

The State Department classifies the Cuban government as a sponsor of international terrorism. Montes says she joined the DIA specifically to spy against the US for Castro, out of sympathy for his regime.

Cuba’s Soviet- and East German-built security and intelligence services have proven to be extraordinarily professional and effective. They reportedly doubled every CIA agent recruited in the country, and have a substantial political and military intelligence network in the US.

Center for Security Policy

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