Amidst the ongoing devastation caused by Joe Biden’s abandoning of our supporters in Afghanistan, opportunities should be seized to demonstrate America’s reliability in supporting its friends, not just pay lip-service to that proposition.


Unfortunately, Team Biden has just done the opposite, this time alienating, undermining and endangering our most important partner in the Middle East. Led by Islamist Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ihan Omar, every House Democrat voted this week to defund Israel’s Iron Dome anti-rocket system that keeps Hamas jihadists from murdering large numbers of her civilians.

As with the rest of Biden’s ruinously “transformative” agenda, the American people do not favor imperiling the Jewish State and its citizens. If this proposed betrayal is allowed to stand, our alliance relationships worldwide will surely suffer further – and our enemies will become ever more emboldened and aggressive.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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