Stop Biden’s wrecking of US energy security


An aspect of the Biden administration’s Marxist wrecking operation that is now either directly or indirectly harming every American is its take-down of U.S. energy security. Instead of independence from unreliable, if not hostile, sources of energy, Biden’s team seems determined to increase our reliance on such sources.

For example, the White House confirmed yesterday that it’s reviewing the environmental grounds for shutting down yet another pipeline from Canada to the U.S. Such a step will likely make more urgent President Biden’s humiliating begging of OPEC to send us more of their fossil fuels.

At a minimum, it will increase the already soaring costs of energy here and intensify the stagflationary economic nightmare that has become a hallmark of the Biden presidency. Voting nationwide last week suggests that the American people want relief from such ideologically driven punishment, not more of it.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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