Stop Dumbing Down our National Security-Mindedness
This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
Like an ever-smaller percentage of our population, I have dedicated my life to protecting our nation’s security. If the rest of us focus on that problem all at, we’re being encouraged to believe that the greatest threats we face are from global warming or what President Trump said to his Ukrainian counterpart in July.
This dumbing down of national security-mindedness is taking place as real menaces to our country and people are proliferating. Look no further than Communist China’s parade yesterday featuring an array of new missiles and other weapons designed to kill Americans and our allies. Meanwhile, our defenses against such perils – and deterrents to their use – are grossly inadequate.
The truth is, we live in a dangerous world. Those who degrade our situational awareness of present and coming threats are actually imperiling our national security, not safeguarding it.
This is Frank Gaffney.
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