Stop Foreign Influence Operations in our Schools

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

There’s a lot of talk about influence operations designed to manipulate the outcome of American elections. While the allegations of a Russian-backed one affecting the 2016 presidential race proved to be wildly exaggerated, there are serious foreign-backed efforts underway to manipulate public opinion and votes here for decades to come.

Among other techniques, foreigners are infiltrating and manipulating the nation’s academic institutions. And they are doing so largely unnoticed and, more importantly, uncorrected.

For example, the Chinese Communist Party has Confucius Institutes on over 100 college campuses. An expatriate Turkish imam has nearly 200 Gulen schools across this country. And Qatar and its Muslim Brotherhood proxies are pushing Sharia-supremacist curricula in our school systems.

America’s academy must not be dominated by our enemies. Or we will find, later if not very soon, that they are dominating our country, as well.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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