Stop the ambiguity about – and US underwriting of – Chinese aggression


President Biden today explicitly declared that the United States would defend Taiwan in the event it is attacked by Communist China. As has happened before, however, the White House promptly walked back that statement, reestablishing the sort of official “strategic ambiguity” that at this point can only invite such Chinese aggression.

An even further inducement to the Chinese Communist Party’s belligerence is a move afoot in Washington and on Wall Street that would result in U.S. military personnel and other federal government employees helping pay for it. The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board is holding a public meeting tomorrow morning and – all other things being equal – it is expected to greenlight the investment of their Thrift Savings Plan accounts in mutual funds that will include CCP companies, even sanctioned ones.

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This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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