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Xi Van Fleet is a Foreign-born American Patriot. In 2021, she prominently opposed the indoctrination and weaponization of our children in Northern Virginia public schools reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution she lived through in Mao’s China. 

Ms. Van Fleet is now warning that cultural revolutionaries here are using Maoist tactics to take down the party in power’s political opponents. She knows from hard, first-hand experience, that what is being done today to former President Trump and to his Make America Great Again movement will not be confined to those immediate targets.

Xi Van Fleet attests that even those currently cheering on the prosecutions of Donald Trump and his allies will inevitably find themselves in the cultural Marxists’ crosshairs. Possibly literally. 

We must indict and prosecute the Chinese Communist Party and its friends – before they do the same to all of us.  

This is Frank Gaffney. 

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