16 MAY 2008

Recently Cindy McCain, wife of Senator John McCain, announced that she was divesting the portion of her investment portfolio that was invested in companies doing business in Sudan. This affords us the opportunity to further explore the nature of the regime in Sudan and its role in Jihadist terrorism.

The issue of Sudan is not entirely clear to many Americans. Many do not realize how Sudan is ruled and their role in Jihadist terrorism.

Over the past few years, the Islamic Republic of Sudan has been justifiably targeted by a grassroots divestment movement for the genocide that it has committed against its own people.

Unlike famine and drought, genocide does not simply happen due to forces of nature. Genocide is committed.

And it is no accident that the regime which has committed this genocide is also on the US government’s list of terrorist-sponsoring nations and is thus under US economic and political sanctions.

Sudan has committed genocide over a period of many years in an effort by the Islamist government in Khartoum to impose sharia (a brutal legal system stemming from a virulent interpretation of Islam) on its entire population. Genocide first occurred in southern Sudan over a period of years in which the Arab Islamist government systematically killed hundreds of thousands of innocent black Christian and animist civilians. There are documented cases in which defenseless civilians lined up at aid stations set up by international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were gunned down by Sudanese Air Force helicopter gunships by the hundreds.

More recently, the genocidal Arab Islamist regime has turned its sights on fellow Muslims—non-Arab blacks—in the Darfur region. These black Muslims do not subscribe to the same brand of militant Islam that the Arab Islamist regime subscribes to, thus they are being attacked in a manner similar to that which occurred in the south of Sudan.

Many Americans are asking, “There are brutal regimes in many areas of the world. Why should I care particularly about Sudan?”

The answer is that Sudan is a terrorist-sponsoring nation that has been involved with terrorist groups that have killed Americans.


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