Al Qaeda
Fmr. Pacific Fleet Commander warns Obama: Don’t link climate change and national security
Washington, DC (Jan. 27) - Ahead of the State of the Union address and in the wake of recent and...
Navigating new naval threats
Terrorist's threats against the U.S. Navy are nothing new. The latest threat declared on Dec. 31 that al Qaeda plans...
Not saying the unsayable
Most sentient Americans had one question in the wake of the massacre at Fort Hood last November: How on earth...
Gatekeeping still matters
People are rightfully asking questions about airline security in the aftermath of the failed attempt by Nigerian jihadist and al...
On terrorism it’s time to know, to profile, and to discriminate
After the Christmas Day near disaster in Detroit, it is time for Americans to demand effective anti-terrorist actions. Over eight...
Latin America in American national security
The Christmas bombing attempt at blowing up a Northwest Airline flying from Amsterdam to Detroit has rightly raised the level...
Little to celebrate
Although President Obama spent much of his first year in office trying to revolutionize the U.S. health care system, the...
Freeze Gitmo
ABC News reports that "Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest...
War courts for war criminals
A ticking political time bomb has been largely obscured by official Washington's preoccupation with screwing up our health care system:...
The speech we need
President Obama's much-anticipated speech at West Point Tuesday night constitutes an opportunity with the potential to be as strategically momentous...
One year of Jihad in America
There is mounting evidence that the global Jihadist insurgency is fully entrenched in the United States After the Fort Hood...
Whose side are they on?
An unsettling question has begun to nag as Team Obama's conduct of security policy becomes ever more inconsistent with common...
Injustice Department
Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to bring self-professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four of his alleged co-conspirators to...
Assault on the military
The nation's armed forces are under sustained attack. Unfortunately, while the military is engaged in two conflicts overseas, the most...
Is ‘Islam’ at war with us?
Last week, John Brennan, the assistant to the President for homeland security and counterterrorism approvingly recalled a key point in...