Fifth column II
Almost exactly six months ago, at the start of the liberation of Iraq, the Center for Security Policy warned that...
Almost exactly six months ago, at the start of the liberation of Iraq, the Center for Security Policy warned that...
A Muslim US Army chaplain in an extremely sensitive post has been arrested as an alleged terrorist spy, and a...
The "moderate" image of some high-profile US Muslim groups continues to collapse as the Senate steps up hearings on Islamist...
Amidst the incessant carping about the conduct of the post-major combat operations phase of the campaign to liberate Iraq, it...
The moment of truth has arrived for the House of Saud. The corrupt and near-bankrupt Wahhabi family that owns most...
Following up on a ground-breaking hearing on Wahhabi terrorism by Senator Jon Kyl a month ago, senators from both parties...
For once, the State Department isn't giving Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan what he wants. And for once, the...
(Washington, D.C.): The war on terror has been the object of our national attention for nearly three years now. Yet,...
A terrorist suspect recently indicted in northern Virginia was a "civil rights" coordinator for one of the leading groups that...
A prominent Canadian Islamic group is urging Muslims not to cooperate fully with authorities in an investigation of al Qaeda...
A Senate homeland security panel found Saudi Arabia to be what a senior federal counterterrorism official calls the "epicenter" of...
As we near the second anniversary of 9/11, the U.S. war on terrorism has scored some impressive successes. After denying...
(Participating were Douglas J. Feith, under secretary of defense for policy, and William J. Luti, deputy under secretary of defense...
Recent polling data from ARNSI (Alliance for Research on National Security Issues) a joint project of the Center for Security...
"My fellow Americans: Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our...
It's no surprise, sadly, that the US Army sergeant who allegedly tried to wipe out the entire brigade command of...