Talks with the Taliban are ‘Dead’; Time for the ‘Secure Afghanistan’ Strategy

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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Yesterday, President Trump further clarified his policy toward Afghanistan. He announced that negotiations with the Taliban jihadists are “dead.” And, while there will be further reductions of U.S. forces there, they will not be dictated by our Sharia-supremacist enemies.

The President deserves great credit for this critical course-correction.  The temptation to do otherwise is, as he would say, yuuuuge. He is committed to keeping campaign promises to end the nation’s longest war; diplomats yearn for Nobel Peace Prizes; budgeteers seek spending cuts; and supporters of the military want to end its seemingly futile sacrifices.

Now, Mr. Trump has the chance to re-boot U.S. policy to as to achieve significant reductions in the U.S. presence in Afghanistan – without surrendering the place and its long-suffering people to the Taliban and other Jihadists. Our “Secure Afghanistan” Strategy shows how; review it at Secure

This is Frank Gaffney.

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