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Congressman John Carter (TX-31), Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security,  joined host Frank Gaffney on Secure Freedom Radio today to discuss his campaign to get the shooting committed at Fort Hood by Maj. Nidal Hasan designated as a foreign terrorist attack. Besides the immediate impact the tragedy had on the Fort Hood community, Carter emphasized the effect it had on the US military overall.

“If you ask a soldier why he goes to war, why he fights, he’ll tell you he fights for the two people on either side of him, because they’ve got his back and he’s got their back. And for a member of your own military, in your own uniform, to attack like that, it breaks the real core of what creates an effective fighting unit.”

In reference to an attack on a San Jose sub station that took place in April of 2013 and is now making headlines, Carter agreed with Gaffney about the huge terrorist target the electric grid poses, and the catastrophic impact a successful attack on it could have. “It can be a type of attack that hits every man, woman, and child in the United States,” he warned.

Carter also offered his prediction that Congress will not move forward with immigration reform this year, and affirmed his opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants. As a former judge, he said that he would not be willing to “reward people who break the law.” Immigration reform is possible, he believes, and “situational awareness is the core of getting a secure border.”

On Wednesday, Congressman Carter announced his appointments to the Subcommittee on Defense and Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science.

Secure Freedom Radio

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