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The Senate Foreign Relations Committee heard testimony on Thursday concerning the growing threat that Communist China poses to the security and economic interests of the United States.

Roger W. Robinson, Jr., Chairman of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission and the Center for Security Policy’s Distinguished Fellow for Strategic Studies, Dr. Arthur Waldron, provided the Committee with stark assessments about the fate of global security if the United States continues to assume that the communist regime will move, by design, toward a more free and open society.

Morever, Robinson testified that the “current trends in U.S.-China relations have potential negative implications” and he emphasized that now is the time for “urgent attention” and “course corrections.” Dr. Waldron urged policymakers to adopt more informed policies toward China instead of continuing what he termed “faulty diplomacy.” He added that China is not dedicated to meaningful reform and that its military is designed specifically to engage the United States.

Center for Security Policy

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