The Chinese Communist Party elephant in the DNC’s virtual convention hall

The to-date unacknowledged elephant in the Democrats’ virtual convention hall has been the Chinese Communist Party. To be sure, the virus the CCP unleashed on us has gotten a lot of attention, but not the perpetrator of that crime against humanity that has killed 160,000 of us so far and devastated our country.

It’s doubly odd because there is clearly no bigger threat to the security of the United States – and, therefore, no more important item on the agenda of the next Commander-in-Chief, whoever that may be, than Chinese Communism.

An explanation for the nearly complete, collective neglect of this present and growing danger by the Democratic Convention, though, is even more troubling than the fact that it is happening: The Chinese Communist Party is actively pulling for a Biden presidency.

We need to know why that’s so – and what it portends.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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