The Democrats “pivot” on election denial, again

In the run-up to the 2020 elections, leading Democrats like Senators Amy Klobuchar, Mark Warner and Ron Widen warned in a documentary film called “Kill Chain” that U.S. electoral machines were designed to connect to the internet and subject to manipulation. They were concerned Donald Trump would take advantage of such vulnerabilities to steal a victory over his opponent.

Then, after Joe Biden curiously got more votes than even Barack Obama, Democratic partisans suddenly insisted there was no basis for challenging the outcome and those who disagreed are dangerous “election deniers.” Call it “The Pivot.”

Now, with the looming prospect of massive midterm defeats, Democrats are pivoting again, warning of impending election irregularities and setting the stage for contesting the results. Republicans have mobilized to monitor the polls and hopefully ensure election integrity. How about making that a genuinely bipartisan undertaking?

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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