There are some 400 public companies that do business with terrorist-sponsoring states.  Many of these companies provide critical revenues and advanced equipment and technology to these countries.  In addition, each of these European, Asian and U.S.-owned subsidiary companies provides moral and political cover to the governments of these countries, obscuring the fact that they are providing hard currency, weapons, technology and safe harbor to terrorists. 

Accordingly, does not differentiate among companies operating in terrorist-sponsoring states.  Until such time as these countries discontinue their sponsorship of terrorism, it is our view that no company, regardless of the scale of their operations, should be willing to do business with them. 

Regrettably, hundreds of multinational and American companies have, to date, refused voluntarily to send this vital security message to the terrorist-sponsoring governments.  A dozen of these companies exemplify the various ways in which this behavior is helping prop up such governments and, thereby, enabling their ability to aid and abet terrorism. (N.B. All of the information concerning the activities of this illustrative "Dirty Dozen" was derived from publicly available sources.).

"The Dirty Dozen"

Alcatel SA

BNP Paribas



Lundin Petroleum

Oil & Natural Gas Corp.


Siemens AG

Statoil ASA

Stolt Nielsen

Technip Coflexip

Total SA


Center for Security Policy

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