Arthur Herman: China poses existential threat to the United States

With Arthur Herman

China and United States two flags textile cloth, fabric texture

China and United States flags together relations textile cloth, fabric texture

With Arthur Herman

ARTHUR HERMAN, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, Author of 1917: Lenin, Wilson and the Birth of the New World Disorder(2017):

  • How do we assure the future competitiveness of the US?
  • Why America needs an industrial policy
  • Why sustaining economic growth is significant to our interests


  • We must preserve the US as a leader in key sectors of the economy
  • The reality of the threat we face from China
  • Implications of the atrophy of our defense-industrial base


  • Assessing the current US nuclear deterrent
  • Why the US should be on high alert with respect to the Russian nuclear arsenal


  • What should the US be doing to prepare for 5G?
  • Differences between Chinese and US 5G
  • How a Chinese quantum-computer could be devastating for US National Security

Secure Freedom Radio

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