The High Costs of a Lack of National Security-mindedness

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

The latest indication that Communist China is preparing for conflict, presumably with us, is Beijing’s recent announcement of an overhaul of its national security education programs. It’s an ominous asymmetry that scarcely any American civilians have received training about the common defense in two generations.
Many U.S. campuses have actually subjected students to courses, professors and programs sponsored by Chinese influence operations known as Confucius Institutes.

Think such indoctrination doesn’t matter? Consider the case of Monica Witt, an Air Force counter-intelligence officer who had been exposed at George Washington University to similar operations mounted by Sharia-supremacists. She went on to betray her country to Iran.

We can’t afford to continue learning the truth about our enemies the hard way – a fact President Trump must consider as he contemplates a trade deal that may obscure, but won’t mitigate, the growing, multifaceted Chinese threat.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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