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With Amb. Dore Gold, Faith McDonnell, Rep. Steve King, Fred Fleitz

 Ambassador DORE GOLD, Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations:

  • A strategic threat analysis of the terror organization Hamas
  • Israel’s endgame in the Gaza conflict
  • The state of the Israeli-U.S. alliance in light of Secretary of State Kerry’s ceasefire proposal, U.S. taxpayer dollars going to Hamas, and the temporary ban on American air travel into Israel

FAITH McDONNELL, of the Institute on Religion and Democracy:

  • Dangers faced by the remaining Christians in Iraq
  • The failure of the Obama Administration and others to condemn crimes committed against Christians worldwide
  • Questioning why churches have not responded more strongly to persecution of Christians

Representative STEVE KING, IA-4:

  • Congressional plans for immigration reform before the August recess
  • Rep. Boehner’s impending lawsuit against President Obama
  • US support for Israel

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy:

  • President Obama’s second ‘reset’ with Russia in the form of further economic sanctions
  • Will Russian forces attempt a seizure of Eastern Ukraine as they did in Crimea?
  • The State Department’s lack of enforcement regarding missile defense treaties with Russia
  • Senator Pat Leahy’s version of the USA Freedom Bill
Secure Freedom Radio

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