No one seems to know who launched what appears to have been a ballistic missile – and by one account “a big missile” at that – from a point some thirty-five miles off the California coast on Monday evening.  About all we have to go on is video of the event, which was serendipitously captured by CBS News’ LA affiliate. To date, those who are supposed to monitor such things have confined their remarks to saying the missile was not one of ours.  So, whose was it?  What was it launched from – a surface vessel or platform, or a submerged one?  If the former, has it been located and identified?  Or was it scuppered so as to make it nigh on impossible to discern its provenance?  What kind of missile was it and, if indeed it was one designed to deliver a weapon, what sort of weapon and over how long a range?

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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