The natural – A possible breakthrough for a reopening America

John Solomon is one of America’s best investigative reporters, having broken stories for years that have rocked the political establishment and shaped our history. His latest revelation may be one of his most important ever.

John Solomon is one of America’s best investigative reporters, having broken stories for years that have rocked the political establishment and shaped our history. His latest revelation may be one of his most important ever.

On April 22nd, Solomon reported at Just the News about a natural treatment that the U.S. Army’s highly regarded biodefense research facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland has demonstrated is effective in “slowing and halting” even worse diseases than the Chinese Communist Party virus, having been successfully tested by it against Ebola and Marburg.

If tests now underway at Ft. Detrick on this extract of the oleander plant prove it works against another “enveloped virus,” officially known as COVID-19, we just may have what it takes to begin reopening America quickly and safely – namely, the confidence we all can go back to work, school and normal life. Stay tuned.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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