The Noose is Tightening… On the Democrats
After Donald Trump’s legislative victory on tax reform this week, Democrats seem to be redoubling their effort to secure what amounts to a do-over of the 2016 presidential campaign. Practically speaking, that’s the goal of their fraudulent “dossier”-inspired effort to conjur up “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russian influence operations, that’s now doing business as Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation.
Lately, Democratic talking points claim the GOP is intent on derailing that inquiry, allegedly because the Mueller noose is tightening on the Trump camp.
Actually, conservatives are responding entirely appropriately to damning information that suggests real collusion between certain FBI officials and the Clinton campaign. And as to the GOP’s timing, blame Bob Mueller. Had he not withheld relevant data for months, Mueller’s inquiry would have been proven the nakedly partisan witch-hunt it is long before now.
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